Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Learned something new

Well blow me down.

I was surfing the web, looking for more Paleo information and links, when I spent some time on Dr. Balzer's Introduction to the Paleolithic Diet. He is an Australian Family Physician that is a big proponent of the diet. While I had heard about his page, I had not spent any time there. Reading through it, I discovered that I should not be eating ANY legumes, (beans), including peas and green beans. Here I thought I was doing so well including these two vegies in my diet. They were "green", and I don't really like them, so I assumed this meant they were ok. So I am going back through and editing my relevant recipes to remove these two items.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good call! Legumes not only contain lectins which can irritate the gut, but they are a super dense carb source. Keep up the good work!
