Monday, February 23, 2009

2/23/09 Back to the Gym

Well my semi-vacation is over. Between the convention and my wife's birthday, my Paleo Diet took a beating, but I am happy to say that I mostly limited the damage, (I did give in to having a small piece of the chocolate-respberry cheesecake and a baked potato at my wife's birthday party). I could have eaten the whole damn thing it was so good.

Then my schedule last week pretty much kept me out of the gym. I did get some good workouts in, (hauling app. 2 cords of firewood by wheel barrow and stacking it up), at both my house and that of my mother. Luckily my lot is flat, but my Mom's is not. Let me tell you, pushing a wheel barrow up hill when it is full of firewood is no joke.

So I wasn't sure what the scale would tell me tonight. Luckily it all seemed to balance out, as I weighed in at 181.5 lbs. That is a .5 lb loss since my last weigh in, (for a total of 13 lbs since 1/1/09). So while it is not much, at least it is in the right direction.

The end of the Paleo Challenge at my gym is Wednesday. So I am hoping to lose just a little more by then. I did some extra work on my abs and chest today after our workout, hoping to maximize the changes I am feeling. Like I said earlier, I am not losing the weight as fast as I want to, but I am seeing and feeling a number of positive changes. My pants are all looser, my belt has gone down 2 notches, and my "tight shirts" are no longer tight in the stomach, but rather in the chest. So I like those trends, and hopefully the weight loss will continue.

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