Thursday, January 15, 2009

1/15/09 Weigh in Thoughts

I finally got to work out tonight. Boy, did we get put through the ringer. After round 1, I really thought there was no way I was going to make it through 3 rounds. Thanks to Margaret's 23rd birthday, we got to do 400 run/row, 23 wall balls, and 23 pull ups/body rows, for 3 rounds. The plan is for me to work out tomorrow too, (so I can get my 2 in for the week), but given how "spicey" my legs and arms feel already), not sure that is going to happen.

Anyways, to the subject at hand. I am trying to make Thursday my normal "Weigh In", to track my weight loss. While Rob and Nicki expound on the Paleo Diet for a lot of different reasons, not just focusing on weight loss. However, that is my primary motivator right now. Less weight means greater performance, but I would settle for lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol; all things directly related to my excessive belly fat.

So now after making you read all that. Today after working out, I weighed exactly 285.5 lbs. That is a loss of 4 lbs from my last weigh in. For a total of 9 pounds since January 1st when I started the Paleo Diet. I'm pretty happy with 9 pounds in 15 days, (ok actually damn ecstatic). =)

10.5 lbs to go to reach my next goal of 275 lbs.

Then under 265 lbs.

I was always taught that it is easier to achieve objectives if you set a reasonable Immediate Goal, and then a Secondary Goal. Every time you achieve that Immediate Goal, then the Secondary one becomes your next Immediate Goal, and you have to set another Secondary. In this way, you will not tend to get as discouraged, because your immediate goal is right there at your fingertips, and it lets you focus on achieving that goal all the more.

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