Saturday, January 10, 2009

Slow Cooker Stew/soup

If you check out my daily food journal, you will see that I eat a lot of homemade soup/stew. This is primarily because it is the only way I like to eat vegetables, and trying to live on a Paleo Diet, pretty much means I have to eat a lot of them. I generally use the food processor to slice up all of the vegies and put everything in the slow cooker the night before. Then in the morning, I just turn it on to cook all day, so it will be ready to eat when I get home.
Left overs get put in quart ziplock bags and frozen, for ready to eat meals I can simply put in microwave and defrost/reheat.

1-1 ½ lbs of cubed or shredded boneless and lean meat
1 cup/can diced tomatoes
1 cup diced onion
1 cup sliced celery
1 cup sliced carrots
2 cups chopped mushrooms
1 cup/can tomato paste or sauce
¼ cup minced/crushed garlic
1 teaspoon ground oregano
1 teaspoon ground thyme
½ teaspoon ground rosemary
½ teaspoon ground basil
½ teaspoon ground bay leaf
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 pkg Gluten Free Chicken Soup Stock

Combine all ingredients in slow cooker, then add soup stock to cover. Stir and season to taste before serving.

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