Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Salsa, the new Ketchup

I have been surprised that over all, the Paleo Diet has not been that hard for me to follow. It just takes a little planning and outside the box thinking. As I previously posted, I LOVE ketchup. Always have. I averaged one to two bottles of ketchup a week for years. Obviously, that had to change due to the sugar content.

I was talking with Robb Wolf, (one of my trainers), about all of the recipes, sauces, marinades, etc., that I was trying to come up with, because I generally don't like eating "dry" meat. I want some sort of sauce, gravy or other flavorful liquid on it.

Rob suggested using salsa. At first, I thought, no way. Salsa is for chips, (and damn it I cant have any of those either). In reality, I had never really considered salsa as a topping, So I bought some of my favorite salsa in the store, (checking to make sure there was no added sugar in it), and tried it out. I put some over chicken breasts. It was yummy. Tried some over hamburger patties, even better. Now I am experimenting with different kinds of salsas, (southwest, mild, italian, etc.). It really is a great way to add a fresh taste, (and some extra vegies), to your meal.

I am now trying to make some fresh homemade salsa. If I come up with anything decent, I will pass it along. If anyone out there has a good homemade salsa recipe, please post it. (Remember, I am a gringo, so please keep it on the mild side). =)

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